John D Hastings

The Unspoken Words




£ 1.00 each

"The Unspoken Words" is inspired by how people are pressurised to fit in or behave in a certain way. We live in an extremely image-conscious world and social media often distorts reality.

Young people especially, may feel they should have a certain look and we hear how so many have body-image issues. Other aspects of life such as gender or sexual orientation are at least now being discussed. How sad to feel confused about who you are, how heart breaking to be persecuted for it.

This is for those people, whatever age, who are silenced by fear and social restrictions and cannot express who they really are. This is a song for those people who judge and make rules about what social norms we should live by. Let's just listen to different viewpoints and accept each other as we are. Let’s be kind.